Sunday, April 3, 2016

17 Anti-Binge Strategies

  1. listen to music really intently
  2. tumblr/blogger
  3. keep hands busy
    paint nails
  4. stick to a regular eating schedule
  5. keep healthy snacks on hand
  6. progress, not perfection
  7. don't focus on weight loss, but rather a healthy relationship with food and your body
  8. remove trigger foods if possible, or ask your caregiver not to buy certain foods
  9. quit unnecessary diets
  10. keep a food journal without numbers in it, such as weight, calories, how many servings, etc. BED and bulimia are just like anorexia in the fact that you're still obsessed with food and numbers
  11. handle stress as it comes instead of waiting until you explode in a binge
  12. HALT
  13. exercise as much as you can, as much as you want, for health instead of weight loss
  14. sleep well
  15. go easy on yourself after a slip-up
  16. don't wait until tomorrow to start over
  17. eat what your body needs but stay away from trigger foods if possible

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