Saturday, April 2, 2016

about and coping with social anxiety

hey everybody, i'm posting today to talk to you all about social anxiety, as requested by a friend. remember, some things that work for you may not work for others, so if you have anything to add, or any input, drop a comment below or shoot me an email at
without further ado, here is my post
about social anxiety
social anxiety vs shyness
now that you have an understanding of social anxiety and anxiety attacks, here are some coping skill pages
two (also has good info about social anxiety)
three (very good website here)
tips for work (can also work for school too)
here's a list of my personal coping skills\
1) the 54321 trick. name 5 things you see, 4 you hear, 3 you feel, 2 you smell, and 1 you taste. if you don't currently have these sensations (ie, taste can be hard if you've just drank water or havent eaten recently) create them. (pop some gum, make tea, buy and drink a flavored water or other drink you enjoy, bake cookies for smell, light a candle, etc. there are so many possibilities with this trick)
2) music. i like jasmine thompson and ed sheeran for anxiety. and if you go to this website you can download their music from youtube for free
3) self soothing is a dbt skill for distress tolerance. create a sensation with taste, smell, touch, hearing, and sight that calms you. i will make another post right after this about ways to do that.
4) if you go mute when wyou have social anxiety like i do, make sure somebody knows that and is able to assist you in communicating\, whether it be through sign language or writing notes.
5) distract yourself. my next post will also feature this dbt skill

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