Wednesday, May 13, 2015

more ED questions (TW again)

from the same book as last post.
  1. how did you learn to dislike your body?
    i first started hating my body when bullies would make fun of me for it, around age 10-13
  2. what might have been some reasons for your over or under eating?
    over eating is to feel better about situations, and under eating is to compensate for over eating.
  3. how has your eating disorder helped you to cope with difficult situations in your life?
    it helps me to cope because whenever i feel overwhelmed or upset i can just binge and it will be all right, until i feel bad for binging, and either purge, take laxatives, or starve.
  4. how has dieting made you feel better or worse about yourself?
  5. dieting makes me feel better and worse. it makes me feel better by compensating for my over eating habits. it makes me feel worse by making me disappointed when i don't stick to the diet or strict meal plan.
  6. do you judge your struggle with food and weight as good or bad?
    it's simultaneously good and bad, because when i stick to my meal plans, it's good, when i binge, it's bad.
  7. how do you think your eating disorder has tried to help you?
    by allowing me to not deal with my problems and situations.

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